Rainy Saturday...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

it's finally the weekend & i'm feeling beyond relaxed...i got to sleep longer, but still had to get up to go to the eye doctor (one eye got better the other eye stayed the same...)

but here the FOTD...i wanted to do a tut on youtube using blues since i haven't really done one except for in the beginning...

here's the vid!

i wanted to wear my pink shorts from Express today since i keep buying shorts & forgetting i have them & i remembered these yesterday so i thought i'd give them a whirl...the polo is from ON...

Stay oh so Chic!

i've been in the process of getting a dog..but today i was a lil detoured...i ended up getting a kitten instead! me and the bf were out "supposedly" looking for a dog when we came across an ad online about free kittens...we called the guy, he said we could come over today and off we were... i live in the Chicago area...so we had to go by the lake and i actually enjoyed the ride and the cooler breeze the lake emitted... we went to the apartment the guy lived in and was greeted by the most adorable kittens ever! i originally wanted this black and orange kitten, but it was taken...and the same was for the gray and white one...there was another gray and white one, but when i held it next to the all gray one i knew the gray one was definitely for me...here are some pics from the ride and the official introduction of...PRINCESS!

on the way to get princess...the cabby guy flipped the bf off, i told him not to take pics of ppl...

the lake...so many trees were in the way, so this is the only one showing just the lake even though there's lots of boats...

on the way home with PRINCESS!

at home trying to get her to play with me...even though it was like 12:30 in the morning...

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